The Domino Effect in Writing


Domino is a generic gaming device, similar to playing cards or dice, which can be used for a variety of games. Each domino has a number of spots, or “pips,” on one face and is blank or identically patterned on the other. The pips are typically lined up in two rows but may be staggered from one row to the next. Dominos can be stacked in 2D or 3D structures, and a wide variety of games are played with them.

Dominos is a popular family activity and can be found in restaurants, arcades, and even in schools. They are a great way to develop motor skills and coordination. They are also easy to take on the go, making them a popular travel item. There are many different styles of domino art, including straight lines and curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, stacked walls, and pyramids. Some artists create complex 3-D structures while others prefer to use simple 2D tracks.

A domino effect occurs when a small change triggers a chain reaction that affects more than just the immediate affected party. This happens because people are influenced by the actions of those around them. In the case of a domino effect, it is important to keep in mind that not all of the consequences will be positive.

The word “domino” is Latin for “little king.” Dominoes are the most common game piece in western culture. The first known reference to domino is in a 1602 book called the Encyclopedia of a Myriad of Treasures. The domino was originally a Chinese game called pupai, but the term came to be applied specifically to a 32-piece set made to represent all possible combinations of two thrown dice, with no blank faces. This type of domino differs from the 28-piece domino sets widely used in the West.

As a writer, you can use the domino effect to help your reader follow your plot. The key is to make sure the reactions you describe are logical for your character and build tension. If a character does something that contradicts their normal behavior, it will jar the reader’s attention and cause them to question the logic of your story.

Whether you write by the seat of your pants or use an outline tool like Scrivener, your manuscript should have a clear structure. A good story needs a beginning, middle, and end, with a climax at the end that ties everything together. Using the domino effect as your guide, you can construct a novel that will hold up to scrutiny and keep readers on track.

Hevesh uses a version of the engineering-design process when she creates her mind-blowing domino installations. She starts by considering the theme or purpose of the installation, then brainstorms images that she might want to use. She tests out each section of the design and films it in slow motion to see if it works properly. Once she has the sections filmed, she starts putting them together. She begins with the largest 3-D pieces, then adds flat arrangements and finally the lines of domino that connect them all.