June 12, 2023

The Sidney Prize and Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize

sidney prize

A sidney prize is an award that is given to individuals and groups who have made a significant contribution to society. This can be in the form of their work with communities, their contributions to the economy or even their activism. The winner of a sidney prize is decided by a panel of judges who look at both their past achievements as well as their potential to continue making a difference into the future. Previous winners of the sidney prize have included the Black Lives Matter movement, an international group that promotes human rights and non-violence.

In his work in science, Sid was always willing to challenge accepted dogma, but he would never do so recklessly. Instead, he carefully weighed his options before deciding how to proceed, and always backed his ideas up with solid evidence. He was also committed to teaching and ensuring that students could see the value of scientific knowledge.

The SS Sidney Hook Memorial Award is a national honor that is presented to Phi Beta Kappa members who demonstrate distinction in scholarship, undergraduate teaching and leadership in the cause of liberal arts education. The award is named in memory of SS member and scholar Sidney Hook (1902-1989).

Sidney was a great scientist, but he was also an excellent teacher and a dedicated steward of the liberal arts. He worked tirelessly to ensure that students at every level would be able to understand and appreciate science, and he believed that it was the responsibility of all scientists to be able to question current dogma.

Sid was an incredibly passionate person, and his enthusiasm for life was contagious. He was also very kind and thoughtful, and he worked hard to help other people feel comfortable in his presence. As a result, many of us will miss him greatly.

The Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize is open to all writers, and this year’s winner is Yeena Kirkbright for her story “Camperdown Grief Junk.” This year’s runners-up will each receive $750. The winning story will be published in Overland’s summer 2023 issue, and the three runner-up stories will be featured on Overland’s website. You can learn more about the prize and read the shortlisted entries here. Good luck to all!